What is JLR Explore?

JLR Explore showcases Karnataka’s natural history. It is a platform to bring stories about nature to people. It is also a forum for nature travelers to share their journeys and experiences.

If I have to contribute content to JLR Explore, how can I contribute?
You can contribute to JLR Explore by sending an e-mail to explore@junglelodges.com. Please refer to more detailed guidelines in question 5.

What are the broad parameters governing content for JLR Explore?
The broad parameters for governing content for JLR Explore are:

  • The content and images submitted should be original.
  • Rather than stories about familiar occurrences, interesting photographic perspectives and well-researched write-ups are preferred. However, well-written stories or anecdotes of commonplace sightings or events too can be submitted.
  • Articles about lesser-known flora & fauna are preferred, instead of those about mega-fauna or charismatic species.
  • Content should be written in popular format but should be scientifically accurate.

I was witness to an interesting incident in the forests of Karnataka, Can I submit for JLR explore?
Yes, you can. A story with videos or photographs will appeal to the readers more.

How can I do assignments for JLR Explore?
Assignments will be encouraged by JLR Explore, to generate original content. Funds are very limited and only stories which are very interesting and original will be supported in the initial phase. Stories which are based outside protected areas and tiger reserves will be preferred.

I want to contribute for conservation, How can I help?
We welcome stories showcasing conservation-related issues. We will be shortly setting up a separate forum tackling conservation issues, where you can contribute through effort or funds.

We are a bunch of friends who are travel writers and photographers, how can we submit our travel experience in the jungles of Karnataka to JLR Explore?
You can contribute to JLR Explore by sending an e-mail to info@jlrexplore.com. Please refer to more detailed guidelines in question 5.

I am a research scientist and I intend to share my work on JLR Explore. How can I do it?
You are more than welcome to share your work but please ensure that the content is written in a simplified format while retaining its scientific accuracy. Material already submitted elsewhere, with high visibility, is liable to be rejected.

Who is responsible for the content I submit to JLR Explore?
The content will be the responsibility of the author. JLR Explore will publish the story and acknowledge the author. If there is any conflict on the nature of ownership of the content between the author and others, JLR reserves the right to remove such content from JLR Explore. JLR Explore will not be responsible for misuse of content and images.

Can I share the links of JLR Explore?
Yes, you can share the links of JLR Explore as long as the original source is credited and the original material is un-edited or culled-out.

What are the submission guidelines for JLR Explore?
You can send a brief outline of the work you want to showcase, with sample images. Subsequent to approval of the idea, you will be requested to send the write-up and low-resolution images. In case any edits are desired, the editors will suggest edits and incorporate the same in your story. You may be asked for high-resolution images if & when necessary. There will be a time delay between acceptance and publishing a story, as we always have a few stories in the pipeline. Please note that there is no fee for submission.

“What guidelines should I follow to submit a story to JLR Explore?”

1. Photo Stories – Requires a 300 to 400 word introductory paragraph, 12 to 14 images and descriptive captions for each image (70-100 words). All photos should be thoughtfully strung together to tell a story and should not be a set of disconnected, random images, however good the images might be.

2. Guest Articles – Requires 800 to 1200 words and 6 to 8 images with short captions (15-20 words each). The article should be ‘experiential’ in nature, conveying the feel of the place being written about. It should not be like a personal blog/journal with details of trips, friends accompanying or schedules.

3. Natural Areas – Requires 800 to 1000 words and 6 to 8 images with short captions (15-20 words each). The article should have tips at the end of the story for ‘getting there’, ‘accommodation’ and ‘tips’ (if very necessary), with each category not being more than 30-40 words long.

4. Focus – Could be in ‘Photo Stories’ format or ‘Natural Areas’ format, depending on the species and the story to be narrated. The author can choose how to tell the story.

5. Iconic Images – Requires 250 to 300 words describing how the image was conceptualised, shot and any other description necessary. Also, the text should mention any awards that the image has won.

6. From the field – Could be in ‘Photo Stories’ format or ‘Natural Areas’ format, depending on the story to be narrated. The author can choose how to tell the story.

Common requirements for all story genres:
1. Title for the story.
2. Keywords to be used to search for the story.
3. Short author bio – 80 to 100 words.
4. Author photograph – 500×500 pixels in black and white.
5. Name as required to be added in the copyright, on images.

Image requirements for all story genres:

  1. 960×640 pixels for a horizontal image
  2. 640×960 pixels for a vertical image
  3. One 1920px × 597 pixels for desktop image (horizontal)
  4. One 1004px × 497 pixels for mobile image (horizontal)
  5. All images should be 100 dpi
  6. Image should not contain any copyright signs or added text. It will be added by us.
  7. Image should not have any borders or canvas.

Things to avoid:
1. Mentioning friends’ / peoples’ names, like in a personal blog.
2. Mentioning timings, schedules (of safaris, meals etc), like in personal blogs.

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