28th February 2020 evening sightings at kabini:


Overall 3 Tigers🐯, ( One was drinking water in the pond,other tiger was sitting opposite side of the water hole and the another tiger walking across the road at different places)

2 Leopard’s 🐆, ( One was sitting on a tree and the other leopard sitting on the bund at different place)

Civet cat sitting on a tree.

Elephants🐘🐘, gaur, sambar, stripe necked mongoose, wild boar and malabar giant squirrels.


Grey headed fish eagle, green imperial pigeons, white bellied drongo, Streak throated woodpecker, green bee eaters, crested serpent eagle, malabar parakeets, white bellied woodpecker, Osprey and crested hawk eagle.

Crocodiles🐊 and monitor lizard🦎.